Uh-oh, Here come the Guns.
Once again Douglass Barre found the
perfect twist but Howard Schiller
came up with almost exactly the same idea so a big hand
for both Gents. (And again I must assure Carl's loyal readers I
was in no way swayed by the coveted Cookie Award at San Diego to
choose Mr. Barre's suggestion!)
As always, suggestions are listed in the order they were received.
Thanks for playing and keep those suggestions coming!
Sunday 10/18/1998
Adam Ford
- Flying carl cracks a beer.
"...She didn't say anything about drinking
and FLYING!"
Driving Carl cranes his neck around, "Was
that what I thought it was" AND HE'S NOT LOOKING WHERE
- Carl with wings is hovering in the air holding
his pencil.
"Whatever I draw becomes real!" he shouts.
- In the distance on the ground we see the
driving Carl shaking his fist up at his flying
frank episale
- carl, clearly shaken, looks down at the pills
in his hand
- carl pokes his head out from the window of his
car, looking up at the sky. says, "my god...!"
Howard Schiller
dan wheeler
- the carl driving the car throws a bottle of
out the window & says to himself. "that's it!
i'm going to detox."
- flying carl looks over his shoulder as he flies
over the car. "whew! that was close!" he says
as he flies straight into some low hanging
Johnny "Pickme Dammit!"
- Flying Carl and driving Carl come to their
destination- the Multi-dimensional Carl convetnion!
- We focus now on flying Carl who has left Driving Carl
in the dust. He is flying blind through some clouds-
Saying, "I can't see a thing..." and perhaps he is
about to collide with something...
- Driving Carl moves onward "These hallucinations are so
life-like. I wonder if I can conjure up a
cheeseburger!" (too wordy perhaps?)
- Carl flies too close to the sun melting his
Drew Hart-Shea
Scott, I'm never quite sure if Carl has to die or
but here's a suggestion for his demise.
[Actually, Carl only has to die if there's a gravestone
in the next panel (though we do have a spare just now). A lot of
people seem to be confused about this.]
- Flying Carl is splatted like a bug on
the windshield
of a huge truck.
Panel looks thus:
MASSIVE Truck on the left hand side, just entering the
zip-line representing Carl's flight across middle of
the panel, from right to left.
jagged splat/impact representation on windshield, with
tiny crumpled Carl, from which the word balloon:
"I'm flying! I'm flyURGH!" emanates.
Douglass Barre (age 28)
- (You know, I'd really kind of like to see one
of Winter or Sky's panels win one of these days.
They're always very fun to read.)
We see a hunter aiming a rifle at flying Carl. There is
a sign on a tree next to him that reads "Duck Season."
Hunter: "Well, he ain't wearin' orange..."
Noah (the guy who came up with
the idea to run over Carl's mom!)
- The pink elephant starts chasing
after flying Carl. "Hey, give those
back!" The elephant says. Either
a): Carl feels guilty and goes to
return the wings, b): is scared and
flies away, or c): flies away, laughing
- Driving Carl starts FLYING in his
car after flying car, Thinking it's a
giant bird that almost bombed his car.
(He is drunk anyway.)
- The Carls chase after eachother. Low
and behold, they run into President
Millard Fillmore. (Thanks Scott!)
- The Carls are about to go their
separate ways, but low and behold
they end up running into Zot and the
guy from Destroy. "So this is what
you've been doing, Scott?!" they say.
- The Carls go their separate ways.
However, driving Carl get's sucked out
of flying Carl's painting, into the
"real" world, and flying Carl almost
crashes into a pink elephant. (Weird
guy am I!)
- Flying Carl falls to the ground, not
quite sure how to use his new wings.
(It's not that high so he doesn't have
to be killed). We "hear" a "Kerthump!"
sound or something. And if you want,
driving Carl could turn around to
- The flying Carl isn't paying attention
and crashes into the front of a semi.
Driving Carl is too busy looking at the
collision in the rear-view mirror that,
he drive's off a cliff.
(R.I.P. scene just for the fun of it!)
- Because Carl says "...HEY!", He could
(and probably should) turn around, to
see what this freak of nature is. Carl
looks puzzeled (as well he should be)
and so, the chase begins!
Scott, first, I know these are a lot
of ideas here, and I understand that
still my idea may not be chosen, after
all there are A LOT of great ideas here. I
just enjoy doning this.
Second, I have to say, that this is
one of the most inventive and funnest
things on the web. This is revolutionary
for the web--interactive art. Thank you
for this site.
[Hey, Special Bonus: If I choose your suggestion, I'll
let you
plug your site in the next message! Here's Noah's:
Remember, that's winners only -- cause we all know what would
happen otherwise! --Scott]
Michael Avolio
- We see Driving Carl turn his head to look
backwards. What he doesn't see is that he's heading
straight towards a building (or a brick wall, or
another car, etc.) He could say something like "How--?"
or "What the..?" or "He's flying!"
(Or of course we could go non sequitor and
have a of Abraham Lincoln, or a pipe, or Scott
McCloud, or... me!)
dominic sagolla
- driving carl's car sprouts wings and follows
flying carl, eventually intercepting the two guilty
carls in the other sequence, crushing them both, so all
four carls eat it in a graveyard!
Doug Waldron
- Close up of driving Carl, very angry. "That
thing stole my hood ornament!"
- Close up of driving Carl, looking thoughtful.
"This reminds me of a weird dream I once had..." (Cue
sandy carruthers
- Angel Carl, in a state of over optimism...
"HEY, MISTER... WATCH IT!" (boy scout)
"SORRY!" (carl)
"BASTARD!" (little old lady)
M. Robert Turnage
- Car-Carl looks out the window to see a monkey
jumping up and down after the Flying-Carl.
Quote the monkey, "Give those things back!"
- The flying elephant snakes its trunk around the
Flying Carl's wings.
Flying Carl says "Help!"
Car Carl is turning the car around saying, "Hold
Sky (age 5)
- The flying Carl accidently falls and hits the
driving Carl.
Winter (age 3)
- A pig steps over the car in a while.
- Flying Carl lands on the back of the flying
elephant. CARL: coool!!
zoom out