A Day of Reckoning!
This week's classic morality play twist comes via the diabolicalNoah -- soon to be proud owner of the coveted Millard Fillmore
As always, suggestions are listed in the order they were
Thanks for playing and keep those suggestions coming!
Sunday 10/04/1998
Douglass Barre
- A: Driving Carl looks down at the body in front of his car. It is
Drawing Carl, but in inverse tones (black skin, white hair, etc.)
Driving Carl: "He looks like me... but made of ANTI-MATTER!"
B: Driving Carl reaches down to touch Drawing Hit-By-Car Carl.
dan wheeler
- A: carl gets out of car & sees that he hit and killed
someone. he quickly looks both ways for witnesses. "i hope no one
saw me"
B: carl's tires SQUEAL as he leaves the scene of the accident.
dying carl groans.
Adam Ford
a) Driving Carl is standing over a rather mangled Falling Carl,
who is in foreground silhouette, one hand reaching skywards.
Driving Carl says something like "OH, MY GOD! I HIT MY LONG-LOST
b) or, alternatively, it could be something more straight, like,
c) even better, Driving Carl could be seen holding a crumpled
Falling Carl in his arms, staring skywards and screaming, "WHY
(I know it's a bit dialogue, heavy, but trust me on this, it'll
a) Carl confronting his mother, "Mom, why didn't you tell me I
had a brother?" Tears in his eyes. This is a nice jump off to
another storyline, the "Untold story of Carl's mom", so to speak.
b) Driving Carl in car again with mangled Falling Carl in
passenger seat beside him. "Hold on, we're nearly there!" Mangled
Carl burbling something about "pretty..."
c) FLASH! A bolt of lightning surrounds our hero, standing
resplendent in his new costume, complete with cape, boots and a
really nifty "EC" logo on his chest. He has an evil grin and is
chuckling to himself. He's proably got his hands on his hips or
- A: Oh Well, if it was a person God would smite me.
B: Hand of God in Sky, Carl narrowly avoids lightning bolt smite.
Ben Rossi
- A: Carl says, "I better go check out what I hit." As
he opens his car door, an approaching tractor-trailer is headed
in Carl's direction.
B: Carl screams as the honking truck plows right into him and
his car door.
Howard Schiller
- A: Since they're the same carl, they should have
somewhat of the same reaction.
So, the panel should be "druggie" carl being hit by the car
saying "Something Hit Me!)
B: Along the same lines, this panel should have them seeing each
other for the first time.
Both scratching their heads and saying "huh?" (you know, using
one speech baloon but two arrows).
Jason Alderman
- A: Carl, getting out and looking over the hood,
notices the damage to the car, but not the body (offpanel) that
looks just like him:
"Awwww, no...Mom'll never let me borrow the car again!"
B: Carl muses...
"...but not if I can hide the body somewhere...?"
- A: carl gets out of his car and stares down at
"man. these drugs really ARE strong."
B: carl reaches into the dead carls pocket and takes out
his car keys. "ha ha ha! now i have an extra set of keys
for free!"
Mark Coale
- A: Carl's car runs into an invisible wall. The
wall is being created by that scourge of humanity, the street
B: As Carl gets out of the car, the mime is scrunched up
under a tiny umbrella. Unseen by Carl, the bottom of a safe of
16-ton weight is just barely coming into the panel.
- Idea #1-
Carl looks to see who he hit. Low and behold it's
his mother! Either she get's up, is O.K.,and starts
yelling at a flustered Carl, or you show the R.I.P.
cell. I like this idea because nobody wants to or
thinks of bringing Carl's mom back into the equation.
- Idea #2-
Carl spins out of control and flies off a cliff,
and I mean flies! he looks out and sees that he's being
carried by that pink elephant. (Him again.) For a
follow-up, he could see that the entire sky is filled
flyig elephants.
- A: Carl in the car is confused looking
"I hit myself!" Carl Exclaimed, "How can this be?"
B: A Rod Serling like figure exclaims something about Carl
being in the "Create your Own Carl zone" Carl has created
Dakota Goldsworth
- A: Carl 1 looking down on Carl 2, lying with X's
in his eyes.
Carl 1: "Wha?!"
Carl 1: "No more drugs for me!"
B: Pooking fun at all the R.I.P. scenes, Carl 1 is in front
of the classic tombstone of "Carl".
Carl 1: "Wow."
Carl 1: "Really puts things in perspective."
Instead of the classic "END", perhaps in small letters at the
bottom it can read, "END?"
Jeremy Heywood
- A: carl realises he has run over himself
B: usual r.i.p. carl scene, but with carl at gravesite
- A: carl and carl come face to face
B: both suffer heart attacks because of the the shock
Drew Hart-Shea
- A: Carl looks down at body bleeding beneath the wheels.
It's Carl! He's run him self over!
Driver-Carl says "Oh my God, It's me!"
road-kill-Carl says "Urgh!" (or comics style groan of
your choice.)
B: Driver-Carl shoots road-kill-Carl in the head with a
pistol, saying "I'd better put him out of his misery"
Thus we get a death of Carl, but still have a living
Carl to go on into a new adventure!
I think the new adventure should be: Driver-Carl is
awoken that night by road-kill-Zombie-Carl! who has
risen from the grave to avenge his death, and rips
Carls limbs off. Carl then of course dies...
elson las pinas
- He should pull up next to J. Robert Opppenheimer's
and say to himself, "Think I'll visit my friend, J. Robert
Neil Ottenstein
Sidney Teles
- A: Carl looks outside the car and see s
himself on the ground.
he says "first a pink pachyderm, now this! What will happen
B: Carl says "I think I'll call 911."
Allen B Moore
- A: Carl looks out of his car and sees himself
sitting dazed in the road. He says "I look hurt!"
B: We see Carl jiggling his car door handle to get it
opened. He says "It's jammed! I can't help myself!"
Chris Watkins
- In panel A, both Carl's have survived their respective
impacts by virtue of a giant Twinkee (or other suitable
cream-filled cake, perhaps a ho-ho?).
The front end of driving Carl's car is submerged in the end of
the Twinkee, while falling Carl rests atop it (or with his legs
plunged into it).
Both look suitably confused, perhaps with question marks or
exclamation points over their heads.
In panel B, driving Carl has gotten out of his car, standing
beside it with the door open. Falling Carl remains on (or in)
the Twinkee.
Both are scratching their heads and staring at each other,
bewildered and silent.
Panel B is the same as above, except that falling Carl (or now,
stuck-in-a-Twinkee Carl) is saying:
"Umm... Care for a bite?"
Michael Patrick
- A: Carl gets out of car and looks at body of other
Carl he has just run over.
B: Carl in shock "Oh my...I just ran over..."
- A: Carl gets out of car and looks at body of other
Carl he has just run over.
B: Recently run-over Carl rises and attacks driving carl- ZOMBIE
STYLE! (I must admit I'm a little shaky about the premise-must he
die in this very panel?)
- A: Driving Carl sees that the other Carl has a sign on
him saying "10pts"
Driving Carl: Wow! this is the best VR game ever!!
B: We see Carl in a virtual reality arcade complete with VR
helmet, gloves and steering wheel.
dan wheeler
- A: carl sits up straight in the foreground,
miraculously unhurt.
the car squeels away in the background.
carl says "thank goodness i'm not hurt"
B: close-up on carl "but who am i?"
Michael Avolio
- A: Falling Carl falls screaming into another vortex.
(Or maybe he should be pulled in? By a voice saying, "Only one
Carl per comic!"? Maybe pulled in by... Scott McCloud himself? (I
REALLY want you two to meet...)
Or maybe falling Carl should just become invisible... (Maybe
say something like, "Hey -- I'm invisible!")
B: Driving Carl sticks his head out the window to look behind
him(or maybe he should just look in the rear view mirror). He
could say something like, "Strange, there's nothing there now,"
or, "Maybe it's just a flat."
- A: Driving Carl, now out of his car(which could be in the
background), cradling the body of the other Carl, saying
something like, "He's !" Or maybe, "Hey, he looks
B: We "hear" sirens approaching(soundfx). Close-up of Carl,
panicked, saying something like, "Oh, no! The police!" ("And I've
been drinking!"/"And I've just ed somone!")
(I'm assuming the bottom right corner is starting a whole new
story, and so that means we don't have to finish this one; the
last panel could be Carl saying, "What should I do?", which
leaves a lot of room for imagination as to what happens in the
second panel of the new one. I love leaving things hanging...
frank episale
- A: carl, wide-eyed kneels over what seems to be his
own dead body. their faces are close to one another.
B: dead carl has opened his eyes and reached up to grab living
carl by the throat. perhaps he says something like "brains..."
(or perhaps not)
Tom Hart
- A: Carl looking to his left, out window towards what
he's just hit, his face: stunned, confused, surprised:
B: (I assume this is the second panel in a new strip
beginning with A) Shot of road, littered with rats,
mice. Carl: "Rats!!" or "Rats everywhere!" or
"Vermin!" or some such.
Troy Merritt
- A: Carl looks at a can of beer
CAPTION "Man, I should stop drinking and Driving"
B: Carl Stops the Car.
Please note, this was sent at 12:02AM just after the deadline,
Australian Time. I think were ahead of you, so I should be within
the limit. But really, It is the first time I found the page.
Indeed, Troy, Australia was a day ahead -- you had plenty of time. -- Scott
Sky (age 5)
- A: Carl hit a pig.
B: The pig jumps over the car.
Theresa Secor
- A: Carl in the car and Carl on the car come face to
through the windshield.
B: Both say "What a fine looking fellow!"
Winter (age 3)
- A: The mouse went on the car.
B: He needs to go to the tombstone.
Ivy (ageless)
- A: Falling Carl is lying in a multi colored pool with
"pain " marks eminating out of his head he thinks "what
B: Both Carl's looking at all the colors say "oooh, pretty".
zoom out