Scenes from Seoul.
Yeah, yeah. I AM the accidental tourist. In my defense, I did sample Ox Shoulder soup, fishies-wid-da-heads-on and endless variations on Kimchi. I can eat 5 unfamiliar things during the day if I can have one familiar thing in the morning, that's all. (Oh, go ahead. Pity me. See if I care.) Yes, sometimes a "modern" toilet can be just as intimidating as the traditional variety. Fortunately, I'd read up on these babies too and was able to bypass the extra features and locate the flush handle.
Buildings with numbers. Parking on the sidewalks.
Our hyper-modern convention center. (Is everything backlit in Korea? Why, yes it is.) My gracious host Kim Nak ho, SVA alumn June K. and Hosogaya Atsushi of the Kawasaki Museum.
Getting ready for the Seminar. We're on the fourth floor of the Coex center. This is a view from the stage. Presentations were given for 2 days by comics scholars from Korea, Europe, Japan and America.
My translator is caught off guard! Hosogaya Atsushi and June K. again. June has a great story in Volume 2 of the anthology "New Thing". Check it out. (available from New Suit Press).
The awesome Benoit Peeters! One of our four ambassadors from the French comics scene. Returning the favor: One of my interviewers on Tuesday wanted to take some photos so I turned the tables when we were done.
Scenes from lunch. Pierre (second from left) asked me about the California Governor's race on the last night. I just hung my head in shame, reminded of my state's recent plunge into insanity.
In America, I'm just a dork, but In Korea, I am a beloved dork! Seriously, the attendees were super-nice and lavished a lot of attention on me. I almost felt like Neil for a while there. Walking through the Coex center.
Seoul: City of the Future -- really. Ice Sculpture on my last night -- a nice shindig in the Venus Room, high over the city.
The view from the Venus Room as the sun starts to set. Food, gifts and conversation. As noted on the blog, this is where Korean, French, Japanese and American attendees were treated to the ever-appropriate "Edelweiss."
Me (grinning stupidly like usual), Nak ho and Stephane Ferrand. More of Seoul from our conference area.
The endless underground malls of Seoul. Someday, they'll be everywhere and no cubic inch of space will be wasted on Planet Earth. Ha! Ha! It's funny and comfortably familiar.
We don't have 'em on the West Coast. I have to go to Korea to feel nostalgic for New England?? Love those tall signs.
Thank you to my wonderful hosts, my fellow guests and all the attendees.

A brief but mind-blowing visit I'll always remember fondly.


Heading for the bus stop that'll take me to the airport.