

Congratulations to Jason Little who recently finished his online serialization of the latest Bee story “Motel Art Improvement Service.” It’s available from Jason’s comics page, a treasure trove of inventive wonders.

Reading the story over again, I was reminded of what a unique, uncategorizable gem Bee is. It’s cute, sexy (NSFW in fact), brainy, slapsticky, and subtle, all at once. Definitely worth sitting down with to read the whole thing.

Discussion (4)¬

  1. ChuckInk says:

    Thanks for opening my eyes to this, Scott. I just finished reading “Motel Art Improvement Service” from start to finish and was blown away.

  2. I just realized today I can comment on these postings! I love how a lot of comic artists are sharing a portion of their work to draw you in – try before you buy so to speak. I clicked on this link (Jason’s style is easy on my eyes), read the Shutterbug Follies (I’m a photographer outside of work) teaser on-line and picked up the full book to find out how it ended. Certainly a great way to pull folks in.

    Also, wanted to take a moment to say that I keep all of your comic-related books on the shelf and pull them down for artistic inspiration. You should collect royalties every time I tell someone about the pyramid, and the range between realism and symbolism – great stuff. The secret, of course, to applying anything good to everything else is to just remove the specifics. It’s amazing how a lot of the ideas you discuss are applicable to all areas of art!

    Finally, I think it was cool to have your daughter in the Slide:ology book. It’s helped me in a lot of presentations recently!

    Sorry for being so partially off-topic here. 🙂

  3. Brian says:

    It took me a second to recognize the artist from Shutter Follies, but as soon as I did I tore through the comic. I absolutely loved it!