Excellent talk, sir! I didn’t get a chance to speak to you afterward, but I just wanted to say that in my mind, no musician fits you better than John Cage. You analyze your chosen medium to determine what makes it unique, and encourage others to push the form as far as it can go.
I was there! To me, your talk offered very little information, and your speaking style has that element of artifice that can eventually make you a speaker they show in conjunction with PBS fundraisers. I just don’t get the level of enthusiasma among the audience, except that you connect your subject with their little mass media fetishes.
It’s sometimes difficult to balance style and substance, but if the style is becoming too dominant, I’ll try to lean a little harder on the substance next time.
Hi Scott.
I was also there and I was actually very impressed with your speaking style, and it seemed to suit the subject. I’ve read understanding comics (its kind of a bible for me) and I enjoyed your conversational tone, to me it makes what could sometimes be a very dry subject more interesting. I’m not really a comics guy actually, but I think that what you say about comics is applicable to many other art forms as well, especially when addressing the question of ‘whats next?’ so I don’t think I’m connecting it with my ‘little mass media fetishes’…
BTW I have been trying to find a webcomic you showed a slide of that you said was by nols (sp?) and its driving me crazy, I wanted to sho it to a friend of mine.
Thanks Scott that was it! BTW I didn’t mean to say that I don’t enjoy comics when I said I’m not really a ‘comic guy’ I just meant that I’m at best a casual reader of comics. Mostly because I find I’m disappointed by whats out there,usually the visual and the conceptual don’t match up in terms of quality..I know everyone is a critic right?
New York, NY
October 18, 2024 Scholastic Books HQ
Anniversary Celebration:
20 Years of Graphix!
New York, NY
October 18-20, 2024 New York Comic-Con
Panel Events, Signings, etc.
Boston, MA
November 24-27, 2024 NCTE Conference
(National Council of Teachers of English) Presentations and Panels with Raina Telgemeier related to The Cartoonists Club.
On April 1, 2025, The Cartoonists Club hits bookshelves and Raina and I hit the road! See my latest blog post for details and a Tour Schedule.
I’m so there!
Yay! Can’t wait!
Excellent talk, sir! I didn’t get a chance to speak to you afterward, but I just wanted to say that in my mind, no musician fits you better than John Cage. You analyze your chosen medium to determine what makes it unique, and encourage others to push the form as far as it can go.
Very nice to meet you. It was a wonderful talk. I’ll see if I can make up to the South Bend event too. Thanks for visiting a lowly fly-over state.
I was there! To me, your talk offered very little information, and your speaking style has that element of artifice that can eventually make you a speaker they show in conjunction with PBS fundraisers. I just don’t get the level of enthusiasma among the audience, except that you connect your subject with their little mass media fetishes.
I appreciate the critique, Irwin.
It’s sometimes difficult to balance style and substance, but if the style is becoming too dominant, I’ll try to lean a little harder on the substance next time.
Hi Scott.
I was also there and I was actually very impressed with your speaking style, and it seemed to suit the subject. I’ve read understanding comics (its kind of a bible for me) and I enjoyed your conversational tone, to me it makes what could sometimes be a very dry subject more interesting. I’m not really a comics guy actually, but I think that what you say about comics is applicable to many other art forms as well, especially when addressing the question of ‘whats next?’ so I don’t think I’m connecting it with my ‘little mass media fetishes’…
BTW I have been trying to find a webcomic you showed a slide of that you said was by nols (sp?) and its driving me crazy, I wanted to sho it to a friend of mine.
Hi, tskross. Thanks for also stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
The comic you’re thinking of was probably Nawlz. Even cooler with the soundtrack. I wrote about it here as well.
Thanks Scott that was it! BTW I didn’t mean to say that I don’t enjoy comics when I said I’m not really a ‘comic guy’ I just meant that I’m at best a casual reader of comics. Mostly because I find I’m disappointed by whats out there,usually the visual and the conceptual don’t match up in terms of quality..I know everyone is a critic right?
The Punchbuggy Comics Tour (Ken Dahl, MK Reed, and Liz Baillie) was here over the weekend, you were here Monday, and now John Porcellino next Tuesday…
I don’t know if this is Bloomington Comics Month or what, but I’m digging it.