
…and Speaking of Google

As long as I had the privilege of helping to announce the original launch, I’d be remiss in not passing along the news that Google Chrome is now in Beta for Linux and Mac users (among which are probably 75% of the cartoonists I know).

Give it a try and see what you think.

Discussion (3)¬

  1. ben_ says:

    I totally loved your Chrome Introduction Comic. It was like … Albert Camus writing the script for the Star Wars Movie. Thanks again!

    By the way: And this comment was written in Chrome on a Mac. 🙂

  2. Since you’ll always have had the privilege of helping to announce Chrome, would you also be remiss not to tell us which browser you use?

    • Scott says:

      Right now, I’ve got Chrome on my MacBook Pro and Safari on my desktop G5 which is still running Mac OS X 10.4.

      In about 10 days, I’ll be updating the G5 to 10.5, at which point I can (and happily will!) run Chrome on both.

      (I prefer not to update systems mid-project and right now I’m still finishing up the layouts for the graphic novel).