
Random Friday Stuff

Item #1


Item #2

Uh-oh! Trevor Dodge is very kind, but this is the kind of thing that always gets me into trouble.

Item #3

Still haven’t gotten any word from Comic-Con regarding our hotel choices, so I assume there will be no choices. Hm. Guess we’re keeping our just-in-case reservations again this year at full price.

Item #4

Perhaps I should just link to a Kate Beaton comic every time I do a miscellaneous Friday post.

Item #5

Can anyone recommend a brand of ice tray that doesn’t suck?

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Nathan Lo says:

    The ice trays from IKEA are pretty awesome.

  2. Gosh darnit! I was considering posting a link to this picture when I saw it yesterday, but then I was like “no, I don’t want to be “that guy” who keeps posting non-related things on the message threads.


  3. Steve Weiner says:

    Nice post about the continued importance of UC. I think its worth adding that UC was incredibly important in opening the doors of libraries to comics and/or graphic novels. For many years the two most popular graphic novels in both public and academic libraries were MAUS & UC. So UC really pried open the library doors for books like BONE as well as DC & Marvel titles along with the independents.

  4. Sandra says:

    Most ice trays can be made to work at least somewhat by putting in less water, but yeah, most of them are pretty bad.

  5. Mad Gohan says:

    gotta go for the newfangled silicone ice trays. you press on the bottom and out they come. Williams Sonoma has a nice design with basic cube shape.

  6. Sevin says:

    I’ve got to say I agree with what Trevor Dodge has to say about the importance of UC in education. Even having been self schooled in comics since childhood, UC made me look at it all in a different way, and continues to be an inspiration to me even so many years after I first read it.

    I do, however, think that it is important for teachers to concentrate on some of the past masters. ESPECIALLY Will Eisner and his book “Comics & Sequential Art”. Eisner is amazing, because as helpful as his work can be for us to study, it draws me in so quickly that I forget what I’m trying to study. I get lost in his story and have to re-read and consciously force myself to pay attention to timing, layout etc. It is a tribute to his talent as a storyteller that these elements recede so readily even upon close investigation.