Happy birthday, Scott, and may you continue to grace us with great comics insight for another — at LEAST — 50!
I’m not sure where I would be without your books, I really don’t. Somewhere without pictures, possibly no words, and not as juxtaposed as I would currently appreciate.
Happy birthday sir!
Without your inspiring work my superhero photocomic Union of Heroes would not exist – so thank you very much and heroic regards from Germany!
how many of your peers have such a close relationship to their twelve year old selves? If it seems like a lot to you it’s only because of the peers you surround yourself with.
Besides we who look at you as a guru need you to be appropriately aged
Happy Birthday, Scott! Hope you and the family make a big deal of it. Ignore the numbers. They don’t mean a thing. Besides, I’m only five years behind. :”D
Happy birthday! I’ll gladly join the chorus and thank you for all your inspiring work. Thanks for pouring so much study and passion into an art form that so many of us love. Hope this is the best year yet!
[…] Happy Birthday Scott McCloud! Posted on June 10, 2010 by Costa The comic genius who brought us Understanding Comics (a book I consider one of my own personal Bibles) turned 50 today. […]
Happy Birthday! One benefit of being an artistic icon is that you will always be that young guy in the big white glasses from your books. (Anyway, 50 is still young, in my eyes).
Happy Birthday Scott! Hope you are doing fun things and eating cake.
As I close in on 40 I have been thinking about the six or seven comics I want to do once True Loves 3 is done, and by my calculations, I will be in my 50s by the time I get them all finished!
Odd how my latest class project was based on Making Comics and handed in last Wednesday, and yet I didn’t know it was your birthday the next day! Happy belated, dear sir.
You know, you’re so found of the cool “looking over your glasses” shot, it’d be nice to see the occasional pupil in your avatar. Just for a change of pace.
New York, NY
October 18, 2024 Scholastic Books HQ
Anniversary Celebration:
20 Years of Graphix!
New York, NY
October 18-20, 2024 New York Comic-Con
Panel Events, Signings, etc.
Boston, MA
November 24-27, 2024 NCTE Conference
(National Council of Teachers of English) Presentations and Panels with Raina Telgemeier related to The Cartoonists Club.
On April 1, 2025, The Cartoonists Club hits bookshelves and Raina and I hit the road! See my latest blog post for details and a Tour Schedule.
Happy birthday, Scott! Keep rockin’ it, man. 🙂
congrats, sir! =)
ur books’ve been very useful to me. Got a couple of’em
Happy birthday, Scott, and may you continue to grace us with great comics insight for another — at LEAST — 50!
I’m not sure where I would be without your books, I really don’t. Somewhere without pictures, possibly no words, and not as juxtaposed as I would currently appreciate.
Happy birthday, Scott! http://i48.tinypic.com/8yzw8z.png
Happy Birthday, Scott McCloud. May the next half-century hold even more adventures than the last.
Happy birthday sir, keep showing us the way!
Congratulations. You look more like a 48 year old though.. 😉
Happy birthday sir!
Without your inspiring work my superhero photocomic Union of Heroes would not exist – so thank you very much and heroic regards from Germany!
Congratulations and stuff!
Happy Birthday! Keep up the great thoughts. 🙂
Nice! You know, you look nothing like your pictures?
I fancy someone had to say that. I could be wrong.
Wow…it’s been a long time since Kathy Li first recommended _Zot!_ to me.
Happy birthday!
happy birthday Scott! keep up the good work
You’re always young in your books, Scott — have a great next half-century!
wow, man, happy birthday:) Yesterday i turned 33 😀 nice:)
Happy birthday, Scott! Keep up your great work.
how many of your peers have such a close relationship to their twelve year old selves? If it seems like a lot to you it’s only because of the peers you surround yourself with.
Besides we who look at you as a guru need you to be appropriately aged
Welcome to Club Fifty, Mr McC!
Happy birthday Scott!
50, eh? Doesn’t life begin at 50 these days? 🙂
Well, fifty is the new forty, so they say.
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
So you are celebrating from the very first minute 🙂
Hippy Bathday Scott! Now that you’re in your fifties you can say whatever the hell you feel like and no-one can stop you. Growing up is awesome!
Mm. Good point!
(So many targets… }:-)
Happy Birthday Mr McCloud
Here’s for the next 50! Have a great day sir.
Happy Birthday Scott! Thanks for the knowledge and the inspiration!
Happy birthday scott!
I read your books as a teenager and I’m 32. So what the hell are you expecting? 😉
Happy birthday! And I’m eagerly awaiting your graphic novel!
Happy birthday, Scott! That photo is priceless; have a great day and a new decade filled with adventures and magic.
Happy Birthday and all the best for the next 50! 😀
Hee hee! Happy birthday, clock-watcher!
Happy birthday Mr McCloud, you are opening the road in many ways…
Happy birthday! I turn 41 tomorrow… how’s the whether up front there? 87
Happy Birthday, Mr. McCloud. Here’s to 50 more years of comic book literary criticism!
Happy Birthday, Scott! You’ve done well with your first half century.
Somehow 50 doesn’t seem so scary now. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! And many happy trails! ((^_^))
Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great cake! And thanks for all the advice (from your books) 🙂
Happy Birthday, Scott! Hope you and the family make a big deal of it. Ignore the numbers. They don’t mean a thing. Besides, I’m only five years behind. :”D
Hope you have a great birthday Scott!
Happy Birthday. (another 5 and you can get the senior discount)
Let me know when you grow up.
You’re only fifty? But you’re so useful! Happy Birthday!
Haha, i’ll second this one- Happy Birthday Scott!
Happy Birthday!!! =D
Don’t look so depressed. Men don’t get old, they just become wise.
Have a nice party, lots of cakes and presents!
Happy Birthday, Scott! Let me chime in with the others and add my appreciation for all of your work. (Even Reinventing Comics!)
in 2 days, i’m 38, happy birthday….
Wow!! Woke up to 45 birthday wishes. Thanks, Everyone!
Happy birthday! Here’s to another 50 years of inspiring and thoughtful comics!
Happy birthday, Scott! Here’s to the next 50!
Happy birthday! I’ll gladly join the chorus and thank you for all your inspiring work. Thanks for pouring so much study and passion into an art form that so many of us love. Hope this is the best year yet!
Happy Birthday Scott–you look so lifelike & well preserved!
Woot. Happy birthday, Scott.
If 50 scares you, then just tell everyone that you are 49.95 plus shipping & handling. 🙂 happy birthday!
Okay, I’m so gonna use that line.
Happy birthday!!
[…] Happy Birthday Scott McCloud! Posted on June 10, 2010 by Costa The comic genius who brought us Understanding Comics (a book I consider one of my own personal Bibles) turned 50 today. […]
happy 50th turn around the sun!
Happy birthday, sir! Congratulations on catching up with me. Now we just need to wait for that Gaiman fellow to catch up in November….
Well you certainly LOOK a half-century wiser!
Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday!!!!!!!!
Ahh. Your second half of a century begins in 4 hours. Happy Birthday. Love, Sis
Thanks, Ruth! Love from the whole gang. ^__^
Happy Birthday! Thanks for continuing to inspire me to pursue the arts!
Happy birthdate from spain
Happy birthday, now from Mexico. Congratulations, you are a great teacher.
Happy Birthday! One benefit of being an artistic icon is that you will always be that young guy in the big white glasses from your books. (Anyway, 50 is still young, in my eyes).
Happy birthday, and congratulations on your first half-century. How’s the second one going?
Good so far! All organs in working—uhh. Oh, uh, arrgh! *drops*
Congratulations, you made it!
Happy Birthday Scott! Hope you are doing fun things and eating cake.
As I close in on 40 I have been thinking about the six or seven comics I want to do once True Loves 3 is done, and by my calculations, I will be in my 50s by the time I get them all finished!
In a way, I’m reminded of Harvey Pekar. I hope you’re just as industrious! (in a good way, of course!)
Happy Birthday Master Scott Mccloud! you changed my academic life and how to see the comics. Tranks for all.I have prepared this gift for you: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_lkqJI0LIvhY/TBGXUhpwkHI/AAAAAAAAIvw/Y5J1sB83KXs/s1600/SCOTT+MCCLOUD.jpg.
Thanks, Joseniz! That’s great. ^__^
Happy 50th! Hope you had a great one!
A little late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, old friend.
Thanks again, Everybody, for all the well wishes. ^__^
I think this is our longest comment thread ever here on the blog. I’ll have to turn 50 at least once a week from now on.
i was celebrating my anniversary at the exact same moment. as long as you are pacific time. happy days ahead.
Happy late Birthday Scott! Another Gemini… I might have surmised as much. I just had my 38th birthday on June 3. May you rock on for 50 more. 🙂
Odd how my latest class project was based on Making Comics and handed in last Wednesday, and yet I didn’t know it was your birthday the next day! Happy belated, dear sir.
The one day I decide to be productive at work, and see what I miss? Happy belated birthday. Your avatar doesn’t look a day over 40.
You know, you’re so found of the cool “looking over your glasses” shot, it’d be nice to see the occasional pupil in your avatar. Just for a change of pace.
And Happy Birthday. 🙂
I hope this new decade treats you and your very well!
Happy birthday, and thankyou for sharing your knowledge with me, it’s helps a heap!