
Paul Chadwick Pours a New Foundation

Paul Chadwick has a new site featuring excerpts from his award-winning series Concrete, as well as other features.

Ivy and I have a running joke that every time I get nominated for anything, we just assume that Chadwick will beat me since that’s what happened for years while I was working on the Zot! series (at least until I did UC and invented a category he wasn’t competing in).

Truth is, though, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Check out his swanky new site and the great comics within.

[Link via Comics Reporter.]


  1. Mike L says:

    I met Paul once at ComiCon ’88 or ’89. I handed him a copy of a comic I was working on at the time with an intro letter and a return address in case he felt like offering any words of advice. He hand wrote me a five page crit. Nicest guy I met at that con and easily one of the nicest pros I’ve met in any field.