
Happy 50th, Kurt Busiek!

The Syracuse years! Circa 1980. (Photo by ?)

Ha! Beat him to it by three months. (Wait, is that a good thing?)

As most of you know, Kurt, in addition to be being a great friend since before the time of Moses, is also the kid who insisted I try reading just a few of his comic books in 8th grade, thus changing the course of my life forever.

He’s also one of the smartest and best writers in comics, and has been giving me good advice for 27 years.

Many happy returns of the day!

You old geezer.

Discussion (2)¬

  1. Kurt Busiek says:

    Scrawny punk kid. All he wanted to do was write the X-Men someday…

  2. Mike says:


    Happy birthday Kurt, you old bastard! ^_^

    Here’s hoping the above You Tube link brings back great memories! ^_^