Friday Odds and Ends

Above: My snapshot, taken yesterday, of Jaume Plensa's haunting sculpture "Echo," now on view in nearby Madison Square Park.
Usually I take the week off from blogging while traveling but I kinda already did that while working on the lettering posts and videos, so…
As I’ve said on numerous occasions, Shaenon Garrity is Always Right. And you are hereby ordered to read her new column at TCJ (and not just because I’m name-checked in it, I promise).
Jorge Cham tries his hand at some RSAnimate-style lecture visualizations. Nice stuff. I’d love to see this become a new genre in education.
Meanwhile, it looks like a Minnesota political hack is pissing on Neil Gaiman this week. Neil is a friend, so I’m not remotely impartial on this, but I hope our community in that state will insure that this moron looks back on this particular bit of gutless pandering as a political mistake in the not-too-distant future. Full details on the event in question are provided by the more rational posters at the link (which I got via Roger Ebert, of all people).
Political bottom-feeders aside, I had a great time today at SVA’s Open IxD Festival. Thanks to the organizers, teachers, and presenters for putting on a great series of presentations.
Oh, and apropos of nothing, I say Parker Posey was born to play Lois Lane, and it’s really sad that no one ever made it happen. Who’s with me?
Have a great weekend!
I follow Mr. Gaiman’s blog and facebook (he’s one of my all-time favorite authors) and I found it simultaneously horrifying and hilarious that he was attacked and called, of all things, a thief by this elementary school bully of a politician. This were made only more hilarious when his mother made him apologize (though he didn’t take back the thief part!)
Also, that sculpture is just surreal!
I enjoyed the linked response by Gaiman. Throwing insults at someone who makes his living with words is just asking for a verbal butt-whooping.