
I Have Nothing to Say Today

So here is a picture of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney:

And, as a bonus, some Similar Images, according to Google Image Search.

Discussion (12)¬

  1. That portrait makes me cry and die inside for reasons which cannot be expressed in words.

    • Scott says:

      Ahh, but do the “similar images” have a similar effect?

      • No, they just confuse me. There are a lot of hot ladies there. And “hot lady” does not equal “Former Canadian PM Brian Mulroney” to me.

        Although there is some equivalency between him and Judge Judy. Just what that equivalency is, I’m hoping, is equally ineffable.

  2. Maguie says:

    xD Incredible the “similar images” search…

  3. Jillian says:

    I’m a little confused. Nothing weird about “similar images”… I presume they are not similar in CONTENT, just aesthetically? Red background, black figure in foreground, composition, etc?

    Maybe I’m missing something?

    • Scott says:

      No, you’ve correctly described what GIS was looking for.

      I just find it funny to imagine PM Mulroney as “similar” to the smokin’ hot random internet gals. Just me, I guess.

  4. Asia says:

    As played by Stephen Fry.

  5. John says:

    Once again, I must insist on using extraneous words to project my own vast conscious and subconscious thoughts in order to convey a message that is neither substantive nor important.

  6. Steve W. says:

    He looks very pleased with himself. I’m sure he just did something evil.

  7. Man. Judge Judy has more tact than Mulroney.

  8. John McLeod says:

    We missed a trick when you passed through here on the tour. Eric did a wonderful caricature of Mulroney for a city rec course when he was about 14 and it’s hanging up in the basement (right over the puddle I’ve been bailing out all day). You’ll have to have a look at it the next time you’re over!