What Things Do
July 29th, 2010
Jordan Crane has a new website up filled with great comics called What Things Do.
It includes stories by Crane himself, as well as art by USS Catastrophe alumni like Kevin Huizenga, Ted May, and Dan Zettwoch.
Crane’s recent Vicissitude (above) is a good place to start. Cool storytelling and a zillion well-placed spot blacks.
[Thanks to Alec Longstreth for catching this morning’s crazy typo, “Justin” Crane. Oy. Senior moment there.]
Posted in Cartoonists, Community
Hi Scott,
Do have a look at this
W.H Davies’s Leisure
Nice site and great work. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy Abner Dean’s drawings.
After my third child I considered having a Vicissitude as well, but I chickened out. He has my condolences.